Kimbra: dating, net worth, tattoos, smoking & body measurements

Where does Kimbra live? And how much money does Kimbra earn? Who is Kimbra dating in 2023? Shall the New-Zealander musician Kimbra find love in 2023? Names of father, mother, kids, brothers & sisters:

On 20-4-1990 Kimbra (nickname: Kimbra) was born in Hamilton, New Zealand. She made her 3 million dollar fortune with Vows, The Golden Echo, Come into My Head. The musician is currently single, her starsign is Taurus and she is now 32 years of age.

Kimbra Facts & Wiki

Where does Kimbra live? And how much money does Kimbra earn?

Birth Date20-4-1990
Religion – believes in God?Non-religious
ResidenceShe owns a house in Hamilton, New Zealand.

Kimbra Net Worth, Salary, Cars & Houses

Estimated Net Worth3 million
Yearly SalaryN/A
Product EndorsementsCalvin Klein



      Kimbra: Single, Dating, Family & Friends

      Who is Kimbra dating in 2023?

      Relationship statusSingle
      PartnerCurrently in no confirmed relationship
      Ex-boyfriends or ex-husbandsGotye
      Expecting a baby?She is not pregnant
      Has any kids?No

      Shall the New-Zealander musician Kimbra find love in 2023?


      Names of father, mother, kids, brothers & sisters:

        Ken Johnson (Father)

        Chris Johnson (Mother)

      Skin, Hair & Eye Color

      This beautiful friendly kind talented musician originating from Hamilton, New Zealand has a slim body & long face type.
      Hair colorDark brown
      Hair typeWavy
      Hair Lengthshort hair (chin length)
      Distinct featurelips
      Makeup Stylebohemian
      Skin Tone/ComplexionType I: Light skin
      Skin TypeNormal
      Eye ColorBlue
      Does Kimbra smoke?

      Height, Weight, Body Measurements, Tattoos & Style

      Height174 cm
      Weight58 kiloClothing stylealternative
      Favorite colorsblack
      Feet size7.5
      Dress size6
      Does Kimbra have a tattoo?No

      Official websites/fansites:
      Does Kimbra have official Social Media profiles?

