On Desus and Mero, Elizabeth Warren Has a Plan (to Solve an Escape Room)

The whole world is an escape room at the moment, so why not test your mettle? Desus and Mero gave Elizabeth Warren some problem-solving practice, taking her to an escape room in Boston. The gang make it out with 50 seconds to spare, which bodes well for the Democratic hopeful. And dealing with a vengeful

The whole world is an escape room at the moment, so why not test your mettle? Desus and Mero gave Elizabeth Warren some problem-solving practice, taking her to an escape room in Boston. The gang make it out with 50 seconds to spare, which bodes well for the Democratic hopeful. And dealing with a vengeful submarine-captain ghost is good practice for debating Trump. Warren’s strategy: “Let’s not argue with him; let’s just fix it.”

See Elizabeth Warren Solve an Escape Room w/ Desus and Mero

