One side note: "playfulness" is a cat descriptor often associated with "high energy." Be warned. As Animal Wised points out, individual cats have individual personalities, and "discovering the most playful breeds is not an exact science." That site is fond of Abyssinians, Maine Coons, and the Manx, among others. Purina concurs that the Siamese is a strong bet for playfulness, as is the Bengal, which is described as "playful as a direct result of the breed's intelligence" — they need the stimulation of playful interaction. Bengals are also described as "extremely athletic." Let the owner beware. And finally, the Japanese Bobtail is not only playful, but apparently a water lover too. Nevertheless, the breed is prone to obesity, too, if left to its own devices.
Even though cats were domesticated more recently than dogs, they clearly have the ability to see humans as family and engage in play, whether a purebred or rescue. Though some breeds are more likely to engage in play than others, the most guaranteed way to see an active kitty is by keeping it engaged and giving it plenty of attention.