YouTubers Who Make A Ton Of Money

Logan Paul dropped out of Ohio University when he realized he'd become popular enough on Vine to start taking it seriously as a career. The athletic guy was a natural at pratfalls, and his short-form slapstick comedy made him one of Vine's biggest names, with a whopping 9.4 million followers watching regularly at the time

Logan Paul dropped out of Ohio University when he realized he'd become popular enough on Vine to start taking it seriously as a career. The athletic guy was a natural at pratfalls, and his short-form slapstick comedy made him one of Vine's biggest names, with a whopping 9.4 million followers watching regularly at the time the video sharing service was shut down. His first branded Vine earned him 1,000 bucks back in 2013, according to AdWeek, and by 2015, he was making $200,000 per commercial. "To be honest, I'm worth three times the amount I'm getting paid," he said.

Fast forward to 2017, and Paul's self-determined pay raise seems to have come to fruition. According to Celebrity Net Worth, Paul has $14 mil in the bank thanks to his record-breaking YouTube channel — he surpassed 10 million subscribers in under a year, something that had never been done before. However, the same year ended in disaster for Paul when uploaded a video from his visit to the so-called "suicide forest" in Japan. In a spectacular error in judgement, Paul actually showed what appeared to be a real suicide victim hanging from a tree. He deleted the video, but YouTube responded by removing his channels from Google Preferred, which according to CNN is "a designation that helps advertisers identify YouTube's top-performing channels."

After Paul posted more questionable content, YouTube "temporarily suspended ads on his channels," a move that Time estimated could cost him "between $44,000 and $700,000 a month in ad revenue."

"It hurts, but it's not like I'm drowning," Paul later told Good Morning America. "I try not to live my life thinking about money, cause money doesn't make me happy."

